The Platform that Transforms Your Company

If You Liked EvenLearn, You'll Love Beatrust.

With EverLearn you discovered the greatest asset of the Koch organization: bringing collective knowledge, skills, and experience of each employee. Let us create that for you, agian.
“Beatrust is the power of Google search at the intersection of LinkedIn’s connections.”
Seek, Discover, Collaborate, Improve

There are not Limits

Used daily by many small and large businesses.
As we move more deeply into the knowledge economy, companies are increasingly reliant on intellectual capital, skills and experience, to lead collaboration and innovation in order to maintain their competitive advantage.

What is it?


Shifting from tangible to the intangible

Unlike industrial economies focused on manufacturing and physical resources, the knowledge economy emphasizes intangible assets like knowledge, experience, creativity, and skills.


Information as a key driver for everyone

Information and its effective use become central to creating value. Businesses that can efficiently access, analyze, and leverage knowledge, skills, and experience at infinite scale gain a significant advantage.


Collaboration & Innovation at the forefront

Continuous innovation and development of new ideas and technologies are essential for success. Businesses need to invest in research and development, embrace change, and adapt to stay competitive.

Why it is important?

Competitive Advantage

Understanding the knowledge economy allows businesses to identify and capitalize on opportunities. By leveraging knowledge effectively, they can innovate more intelligently, collaborate on products and services more wisely, improve efficiency, and further their competitive edge.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Skilled and knowledgeable workers are the backbone of the knowledge economy. Talent want to be in the presence of talent. Therefore, businesses that have and retain top talent continue to attract new top talent. This cycle fosters a culture of learning, collaboration and innovation, as well as providing opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

Adaptability and Change

The knowledge economy is constantly evolving. Businesses that understand this need to be adaptable and embrace change. They must be willing to invest in new technologies, upskill their workforce, and adjust their strategies to remain relevant in a dynamic marketplace.

Data-driven Decision Making

In the knowledge economy, having the right information at the right time is king. The pace of change is only increasing and the need to find “hidden” knowledge is more critical than ever to ensure decisions are informed and performance is optimized. This requires businesses to continually scan the market for tools that enable faster and more reliable decision-making at scale.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

The knowledge economy thrives on collaboration and knowledge sharing. To do this effectively, businesses need know who has the right knowledge and experience for meaningful collaboration to occur. to encourage collaboration across departments and teams to foster innovation and break down silos. They can also leverage knowledge management systems to capture and share knowledge effectively within the organization.

Why you need Beatrust?


Knowledge, Skills, and Experience

Similar to Everlearn, Beatrust unleashes the power of collective knowledge across your workforce.

• Information sharing is streamlined
• Employees are empowered not only to find others, but to help others find them.
• Unique, but hidden, skills and expertise are quickly and easily discovered.

In essence, we offer you the key to unlock knowledge, skills, and experience, enabling you to elevate your entire organization and create a significant competitive advantage.



Koch believed in a core principle; that the workplace can be a community that constantly learns, grows, and thrives. That’s why EverLearn was created: a place where purpose and connection – the fuel for innovation and growth – flourish. Empower employees to contribute, and watch your organization transform into a continuous improvement machine.



Imagine sparking continuous breakthroughs by assembling your best team every time. The right mix of knowledge, skills, and experience working together to crack and overcome complex challenges. As you know from your days at Koch, this leads to constant innovation, the engine that drives ongoing success.

With Beatrust,
our customers make the impossible possible.

"When a person has valuable knowledge and experience but no one else knows about it, the organization loses. Working with Beatrust bridged that gap for us."

Our commitments

In the end, Beatrust’s success lies in providing access to, and discovery of, knowledge, skills and experience which creates an environment of superior collaboration, advanced innovation and professional transformation for all of our users. We believe that this is essential for businesses to thrive in the 21st century. By embracing knowledge and collaboration, we provide the essential foundation for innovation and continuous learning and positive transformation. We take pride in our role of helping our customers “discover” the knowledge, skills, and experience that makes each of them better in an increasingly competitive and hyper-paced world.
